In attempt to get myself back in a groove, I very briefly toyed with the idea of doing an ink sketch a day this month. However, I think this is ultimately counterproductive, and doomed to failure. I can be prolific and feel rushed, or take my time and learn from each drawing; I can't do both.
These three drawing represent three distinct styles I find myself gravitating towards, but I couldn't say offhand which if any I prefer. Each has its merits and weaknesses. The first is a very quick character design trying a completely new style and toying with distorted anatomy. The second was a character design I loved, for a comic story that I enjoyed but never completed, aimed at an anthology I believe will no longer be coming out. However, I think I enjoy the last one the best. This was based on a picture I took at the zoo of a red panda (or Firefox). Believe it or not, he's not falling off the tree branch, but sleeping.
Back to the drawing board...
Labels: comics, crow, firefox, ink, red panda